
Ron Helmer
Indiana University

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Discuss the head coach and his/her staff's coaching abilities including style of play and coaching style. Also, discuss overall experience as a student-athlete.


Use profanity, name-calling, or derogatory terms. And, don’t claim that the coach shows bias or favoritism for or against players.

Ratings for this coach

Scouting Report 2.3
June 6, 2020 4:44 pm
Ron Helmer is a very known cross country coach. He has enhanced multiple natural talented athletes to go on to the next level. The way he has done it many would not put up with it. This is a man that will try to get in your head and control you by what you eat, how you look physically, how you carry your self, make you hate your own teammates, and so much more. Being a member of the team and witness this and even go through this myself is something I wish on no one. He doesn’t believe in coaching individuals to a special need to help that individual the program literally groups everyone on the same boat and all must do the same even if it’s something you don’t need. The last thing you want to do is get injured. The coaches all look at you as useless. Ron helmer was not my coach he was my head coach my coach was Ed Beathea the only African American coach and volunteer on staff. He was a great guy on a personal level but coach wise I disagree from being a AAU and USA TF and NCAA regional athlete I experienced many different coaches and I can say Ed Beathea is one I would knot even put in the hands of my kids. Everything with this man was trail and error not the coach that will grow with you And develop you. I honestly feel that if I had made a different decision then becoming a Hoosier I’d would have gotten so much further then I did. I am grateful I had a full ride scholarship. But if you are serious about track don’t waste your time in this program.
Scouting Report 1.8
June 6, 2020 2:04 am
Ron Helmer is an accomplished Cross-Country coach, and has even developed successful quarter milers back in the day. He’s been in the sport for many years and knows the sport really well. I wish he cared about his athletes as much as he cared about the sport. When I was a team member on the Indiana University Women’s Track & Field team, he was a very sour person. There had been many occasions where Coach Helmer has talked down to his athletes, in a very belittling and demeaning way. He valued his athletes solely based on how they performed on the field/track. I know what you’re thinking, “Well he’s the head coach. That’s what he should care about.” Agreed, but not to the extent that many team members have mental break downs because of his words or cry after meeting with him, which plenty of my teammates had. His communication skills were poor, and if you didn’t pr at a meet, he didn’t talk to you. Crazy right? As far as the staff, after my freshman year, he fired the entire coaching staff and brought a new coaching staff onboard- which in retrospect I am extremely grateful for because I wouldn’t have met Ed Beathea (Sprints & Hurdles event coach). He was the highlight of my track & field experience at Indiana University. I do not feel as though Ron Helmer developed me as an athlete, however I do believe Ed Beathea developed me as an athlete. A lot of my teammates we’re injury prone and even medically released. Even more of them, including myself, regularly seeked professionally help from a sports psychologist. This is a broad summary of my experience, and important topics I feel each athlete considering Indiana University Women’s Track & Field should know about Ron Helmer.

Scouting REPORT

IQ ( 2 ratings )
Ethical ( 2 ratings )
Communication ( 2 ratings )
Staff ( 2 ratings )
Player/Individual Development ( 2 ratings )
Academics ( 2 ratings )