
Welcome to Unfinished Business

The New Kid On The Block

Welcome to Unfinished Business, your go-to spot for all of the biggest happenings in college sports today! Here, we don’t sugarcoat. We tell it like it is, and we make good use of the word opinion. At the end of the day, we all have one, right? Now, having an opinion doesn’t mean one person is right over the other, it just means that sometimes people see things differently.

That’s something we’d like our readers to understand as they grow with this blog. There will be times where you agree with what we say 100%, as well as other times where you’ll wonder how and why we’re even allowed to hold an opinion.

That’s okay. We respect all opinions here. Well… UNLESS they’re just outright ridiculous!


Seeing as this is our first post, we thought it would be best to get into a bit of the history behind how ‘Unfinished Business’ came to be. First and foremost, the name of our entire entity is Rate My College Coaches, a fresh, brand new site aiming to become the biggest database for student-athlete generated reviews of head coaches in the NCAA, NJCAA, and the NAIA. All reviews will be anonymous with the goal of giving prospective student-athletes the chance to make more informed decisions within the recruiting process.

One thing that we’d like you to know about college athletics, is that it is most definitely a business.

For every decision you make, you’ll want to have as much information as possible while also researching as many different perspectives as you can. After all, if college sports are so business-minded, shouldn’t we as athletes treat recruitment as a business opportunity as well? Although there is no such thing as perfect, our site will surely help student-athletes sift through the many bells and whistles that confront them during the recruiting process.

Simply put, Rate My College Coaches will reveal what is real and what is fake throughout college athletics as a whole. That’s where Unfinished Business comes in.

Unfinished Business — Who Are We?

As a standalone, Unfinished Business is a sports blog. Now now, I know what you’re thinking… “Look, just another sports blog with horrible takes.” Well, that’s just how the internet is nowadays, isn’t it? We can’t change your mind about that, but here’s the thing.

There are plenty of dope sports blogs that have been around for a very long time, and they run the scene. While these blogs have definitely been used as inspiration while bringing Unfinished Business to life, this blog strives to do much more.

Unfinished Business will be unique in that we won’t follow made-up industry rules. We believe that’s because we don’t have to. Our opinions will always be our own, because we’re genuine lovers of sports, and because we know there’s power in that. Consider us the ‘new kids on the block’. We want to come in and shake things up a bit.

Lastly, A Word From Our Founder

Rate My College Coaches and Unfinished Business have been a long time in the making and I really cannot express how excited I am to finally get everything going. I’ve had this idea ever since my freshman year at Marquette University and it is now becoming a reality.

With that, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tia Elbert. I am a retired collegiate basketball player. I played at Marquette University, Indiana University, and a handful of games at Fresno State.

As you can imagine, I’ve experienced a ton throughout my college career. Despite the time I spent at each school being relatively short, I was able to gain very different experiences each step of the way. And although I made my way through three different schools, I can full-heartedly say that not one experience was the same.

Nowadays, I get a rush from crossing up fifty-year old men on the court at my local gym.

What can I say? Anyone can get this work. Sorry Grandpa! Okay, you got me. I’m joking … but as we know, there’s some truth behind every joke. To be honest, I do still spend time on the court, playing the sport that I’ve loved my entire life. That’s because it has taught me so much, even things I would’ve never imagined.

The ups and downs that come alongside life as a college athlete are the reason I’m here now. It’s the main reason why Rate My College Coaches and Unfinished Business are even a thing. My experience made me feel a great deal of pain, but it also made me really happy. Most of all, my experience made me feel accomplished.

One of the reasons I will always and forever be indebted to my athletic experience is because it forced me to learn from life. Through all the ups and downs, it forced me to think. Also, it made me creative.

I hope that you all will enjoy everything this site has to offer, and that you’ll learn a lot from it. Most of all, I hope it helps you appreciate the experience, no matter how it has made you feel… because life is the greatest teacher of all.



  • Tia Elbert

    Creative. Engaging. Original... Now take the first letter of each of those words and put them together. Go Hoosiers!

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