
Alex Hoekstra
Shepherd University

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Rating Do's and Don'ts


Check your comments, once or twice before posting. Check your grammar. Make sure you are only rating a coach that you have played for.


Discuss the head coach and his/her staff's coaching abilities including style of play and coaching style. Also, discuss overall experience as a student-athlete.


Use profanity, name-calling, or derogatory terms. And, don’t claim that the coach shows bias or favoritism for or against players.

Ratings for this coach

Scouting Report 3.2
November 14, 2022 12:58 am
Practices are dull, they are the same thing everyday with the same players on the same teams. I cannot stress this enough but he is the worst communicator and doesn't try to develop a relationship with players. Him trying to coach is like pulling teeth too. He knows if you are doing something wrong but he will not say it unless you ask. Even if you do ask its situational if he will tell you then or be like "we can talk later". His knowledge of volleyball is quite high but he doesn't coach or communicate so players are left in the dark. Best coach is yourself and as a player you will develop if you put the extra time in watching film and taking practices seriously and most of the people on the team have that same drive of improving so i would say player individual development is high but it is what you put into it.

Scouting REPORT

IQ ( 1 rating )
Ethical ( 1 rating )
Communication ( 1 rating )
Staff ( 1 rating )
Player/Individual Development ( 1 rating )
Academics ( 1 rating )